Physical Health
Physical health resources cover topics such as nutrition, sleep, sexual health, body image, and more.
Maintain your physical health and well-being with services such as nutritional guidance and appointments with our health clinic. Learn more about our physical health services. Note that exercise and movement are in a separate category on the main landing page.
- Appointment at Schiffert Health Center - Sexual/reproductive health, sleep issues, allergies, immunizations, etc.
- Counseling with Nutritionist
- Market of Virginia Tech - Food Assistance Program
- Student Led Nutrition Counseling - Meal prep assistance, food choices, etc.
- Personal Trainer Consults
- Nutrition Analysis Program - Sort ingredients, allergens, etc. for each dining hall
- Safety and Health Certifications - CPR, first aid, etc.
- Go ask Alice – Answers to health questions asked by students
- My plate - Help with personal nutrition
- National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA)